How Does RedSpy365 Manage Risk?

The cybersecurity information that is collected, processed, and presented by RedSpy365 is the most detailed and insightful that you’ll encounter—it’s the closest thing available to a truly continuous, automated penetration test—and the only live, real-time attack modeling service. This data can be used to create additional business value by helping your organization measure and reduce cyber risk from five perspectives, each representing a different aspect of business risk. These include:
- Resilience: How quickly can your organization shut down a threat? RedSpy365 measures Mean Dwell Time (MDT), which is the total time it takes your organization to notice and contain a cyber concern. It combines many factors, such as your network configuration, the effectiveness of your defensive and detection systems, user security awareness, the actions of your IT team, and more. The resilience of your organization against attack is one important way to measure and manage cyber risk.
- Economic loss: What are the financial impacts of a potential cyberattack? Ransomware payments, corporate espionage, interruption to business continuity, exposed PII* or PHI*, and loss of business-critical documents all have their cost. Exposure to economic loss can be measured and managed by the RedSpy365 platform in a way that no other technology can. By delving deeply into the potential impacts of end-to-end attack paths—including a measure of potential economic impact called Single Loss Expectancy (SLE)—RedSpy365 is able to show real data that helps you reduce this cyber risk today.
- Critical continuity: What business processes could be disrupted? RedSpy365 creates unique value for your organization by comparing identified potential cyberattacks to the affected business processes and related essential continuity. RedSpy365 can compare findings to process ownership, and customized alerts make you aware of your remediation options, well in advance of an actual event.
- Compliance: How mature is your cybersecurity compliance? In the event of a breach, being out of compliance in carries with it a slew of risks—financial, reputational, and governance risks, to name a few. It’s tough to put a value on staying within current compliance guidelines, but RedSpy365 can help you assess and improve your complete security picture as it relates to regulatory compliance for your industry. RedSpy365 integrates with the Shared Assessments compliance tool to assess your in-scope environment for gaps in security policy, data storage, recovery planning, and more. A comprehensive compliance report provides a clear roadmap with specific suggestions.
- Return on Investment: Are your defenses actually working? When budgeting and deploying capital in the service of cyber security, there is always the risk that your efforts will fail. In the event of a breach, of course, you’d know for sure that you didn’t construct or configure your defenses correctly. RedSpy365 assures the most comprehensive, continuous support possible for testing and optimizing the investments you’ve already made—and maximize the chances of successfully fending off cybercrime. Many customers experience results similar to these in the first six months of using RedSpy365.
- A reduction in mean dwell time (MDT) from the industry average of over 200 days to less than one week
- Substantial avoidance of potential economic loss, from tens of thousands to tens of millions
- Key business continuity insights that prioritize security focus
- Increased compliance factors to nearly 100%
- A return on security investment (ROSI) of well over 300%